· V I S U A L A D A D E V E L O P E R (VAD)

Vad is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it without restriction.

VAD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty


VAD 3.1 Common description.

1. VAD ( Visual Ada Developer ) is a tcl/tk oriented Ada-95 GUI builder

which portable to difference platforms, such as Windows NT/9x,Unix(Linux),

Mac and OS/2.

2. used software

GNAT 3.11 Ada-95 compiler ftp://cs.nyu.edu/pub/gnat

TCL/TK 8.0.5 http://www.scriptics.com/software

TASH 8.02 by Terry J. Westley http://tash.calspan.com/

IMG1.2 package ftp://ftp.neosoft.com/pub/tcl/sorted/packages-8.0/graphics/Img/1.2/img12b1.exe

by Jan Nijtmans <Jan.Nijtmans@wxs.nl>.

TkPaint a simple Image Editor http://www.netanya.ac.il/~samy/tkpaint.html

RAPID-1 By Martin Carlisle

BWIDGETS 1.2 tk extension http://www.unifix-online.com/BWidget

McListbox,mcombobox by Bryan Oakley <oakley@channelpoint.com>


FTP_library by Stefen Traeger <Steffen.Traeger@t-online.de>


CSH library by Mohamed Baccar


Snack 1.6 multimedia by Kare Sjolander



VAD generates and uses *.gui file in text format for abstract

widgets descriptions. This file has a simple format and may be corrected

manually. Program Adabuild generates Ada sources and tcl test script from it.

Command format is : adabuild <project name>[.gui]

VAD (Adabuild) generates next files :

<project name>.adb - main ada program

<project name>init.ads - initialized gui package

<project name>init.adb

<project name>event.ads - Event handlers package

<project name>event.adb ( empty functions for events).

<project name>.tcl - TCL script for quick check.

VAD need system variable VAD_HOME

for example : SET VAD_HOME=C:\VAD3.1

New project you may write with full path

for example : d:\fly\report

TCL/TK is a script language and it has many difference forms to

describe widget.

For widget placing I use disp (layout) property with follow means:

noplace (defaults)




and manager property for tcl script building

For example for placing widget .w.b in pack layout need to write

disp :pack

manager:.w.b -side top

If you want to pack several widgets in one pack (for example 3)

look at packbuton.gui sample.

In addcreate property you may write all addition information for widget creation.

I tried to write online help for many of used properties and simple

samples. More complex sample is FTP ( 70 widgets).

Unfortunately , if script has mistakes system generates EXCEPTION

and abnormal ended, but VAD tries to create ABEND.GUI file with

all entering widgets ( without last) and exception information in vad.prn

You may save building project part and continue work in VAD.


Some changing in widgets you may see immediately (I recommend to save

information before property/event switching by click Add Widget/Correct Widget button)

, but global changing you may see only after REDRAW ( menu TEST) execution.

HELP menu allows by internal HTML viewer ( I use HTML_LIBRARY package from sun)

This is a version 3.1(beta) and it contains some bugs, but

I hope it will useful for Ada programmers and easy in work. This is

an effective way to build gui oriented system independent applications in pure ADA-95.

VAD 3.1 supports many of image formats such as

BMP, XBM, XPM, GIF (with transparency), PNG, JPEG, TIFF and

postscript. I use Img1.2 package

For formats difference from xbm and gif you may used jpeg image type.

A simple free Image editor TKpaint (with little changing ) by Samy Zafrany

An Adasource from image generator from RAPID by Martin C. Carlisle and Patrick Maes.

Widget Table

1. Base TCL/TK widgets

toplevel frame button radiobutton checkbutton menubutton label entry

listbox canvas message menu item scrollbox scale text

2. BWidgets

Button Label Entry ListBox

ArrowButton ProgressBar MainFrame LabelFrame LabelEntry TitleFrame

Dialog ScrolledWindow PanedWindow ButtonBox NoteBook (Page) SpinBox

Tree MessageDlg ProgressDlg ScrollableFrame ScrollView PagesManager


3. Widgets from Bryan Oakley

combobox mclistBox

4. Direct executable Tcl script


I am ready for any form of cooperation and thanks for any help.


Leonid Dulman(dulman@ibm.net)