ADA-95 Programming














Programming technologies 21th century.

The development of visual programming system today is the most dynamic and quickly developing part of tool software. It's a future of programming and today possible to say about a new algorithm-programming meta-language - VISUAL LANGUAGE, wich operates with widgets(properties and methods) and events.

System-independence is characteristic of VISUAL METALANGUAGE, but it is also adaptable to some of the existing programming language.

Ada-95 plus Tcl/Tk is the way to build powerful GUI application.easy

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Ada based application and GUI
Gui is important part in any application. Visual Ada Developer (VAD) isa portable easy in use way to build Ada applicationwith GUI. It used pure ADA-95 and TCL/TK andmay be ported to WINDOWS NT/95, Unux(Linux),MAC and OS/2.
 READ.ME   Visual Ada Developer version 2.1